Adjusting Your Homeowner’s Insurance

Here is an excerpt from a new blog post at

It is true that your insurance portfolio is quite similar to maintain an automobile. You need to regularly get a tune up and change your oil such that with an insurance policy, as life changes you are required to make certain tweaks and adjustments to your policy. In this fluctuating real estate market you many need to adjust your coverage prior to a claim, otherwise instead of saving money you may find yourself with a claim not covered by your current policy. In this post, Long Island Insurance Executive, Gregg S. Marcus will explain why it is proper and necessary to adjust your homeowner’s insurance policy.

The personal property coverage or contents coverage for a homeowner’s policy is a default percentage of the dwelling. Discuss this limit with your agent as it compares to the appraised value or market value of your home. Many people hold policies that have not been reviewed in a number of years which results in an insufficient dwelling value. The worst possible time to learn of your homeowner’s insurance being insufficient is of course in the time of a claim. It is not your agent’s responsibility to make sure you read your policy.

To read this post in it’s entirety, click here to visit the Gregg Marcus official website.

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